"It's Showtime!" - U2

Promotional Release

Track Listing (Disc One):

Track Listing (Disc Two):

Track Listing (Disc Three):

Background Information

This unique gift for U2’s crew for the U2360 tour, combined a couple of gifts from the U2.Com fan club into one package which was distributed to crew at Christmastime 2012. The gift included the book, From the Ground Up, as well as the fan club audio releases U22 and From the Ground Up: Musical Edition (Edge’s Picks). The three audio CDs were packaged in a unique silver mirrored jacket for the book.

The book jacket was specially printed for this project and the team designing the print for the project describe this project as, “U2’s special edition photo book printed exclusively for tour crew members in gratitude for their dedication, creativity and energy on the band’s “From the Ground Up” tour features a metallic silver jacket which holds three limited-edition live CDs”

The full title page of the book is “What Time is It In the World? It’s Showtime! A Special Edition of From the Ground Up U2360 Tour Official Photobook”.

The inside cover of the jacket has room for the two U22 CDs, and a signed dedication by Edge, Bono, Larry, Adam, Paul McGuinness, and Arthur Fogel. “This special edition of From the Ground Up is for all the amazing men and women of the U2360o tour crew who took our show into orbit every night from June 2009 to July 2011. We would not have completed the unforgettable and historic tour without their dedication, creativity and energy. With love and great respect,” The book is further dedicated “In memory of Run Wrake, 1963-2012”. The interior of the back cover has the credits for the U22 and Edge’s Picks from U2360, and room for the Edge’s Picks from U2360 CD. The back cover has the full track listing of the three CDs printed in black on silver.

This CDs contained in the book are the same that were given away from the fan club, which started to give away U22 in June 2012, and From The Ground Up: Edge’s Picks from U2360 in December 2012.

Liner Notes

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