"Ordinary Love (Virtual Chorus Backing)" - U2
Digtial Song
Track Listing:
- "Ordinary Love" (Virtual Chorus Backing Version) - U2 (03:33)
Background Information
On the morning of April 26, 2017, subscribers to U2.Com started to receive emails detailing a new download that was available. The download was a new mix of “Ordinary Love”, which removes some of Bono’s chorus parts. The file was an mp3 file, and was a 320kb/s file. The file title was “Ordinary Love Virtual Chorus Backing.mp3”. There was no embedded artwork in the track.
Why was the track made available? From U2.Com:
The chorus to Ordinary Love and one of the songs that might – MIGHT – turn up in the new show.In fact, the word from Show Director Willie Williams is that there’s an idea to feature you all singing that chorus of the song Ordinary Love in the show, The Joshua Tree Tour 2017.
Singing it in ordinary situations: walking the dog, on the treadmill, at the supermarket, doing the ironing, baking a cake, driving the car, in the shower…
It’s early days and the idea might not make the cut…. but you could make the difference.
Can you see yourself on screen at the show ? In the chorus, backing the band as they play Ordinary Love?
If you can, here’s what you have to do (in a few easy steps) and please get it our way by MAY 1ST.
Although when “Ordinary Love” was released, there were a number of different edits identified, this appears to be the most common of those edits, the one found on the Record Store Day release. The first chorus that Bono sings is removed completely. The later chorus is far lower in the mix, and it appears that Bono’s vocal in the forefront have been removed. Otherwise the mix is the same as the original.
Further details are available if you are a subscriber to U2.com at the http://www.u2.com/news/title/ordinary-love-extraordinary-chorus page, but you must be logged in to view the details.