This Day In U2 History

October 24

U2 History on this Day

  • In a chart dated October 24, “Gloria“ peaks at #55 in the UK Official Charts. (1981)
  • Originally U2 intended to play a show in Rennes, France on this day, but the band cancelled 14 shows early in the tour to give them more time to rehearse the new material. (1984)
  • U2 planned on playing tonight in Sydney, Australia as part of the LoveTown tour, but this show and three others were cancelled due to Bono developing laryngitis, they were rescheduled for November 17, 18, 19. (1989)

U2 Single Releases on This Day

All Releases Containing U2 on This Day

  • Happiness Single by U2 (Originally released: 2024-10-24)
  • I Will Follow Single by U2 (Originally released: 1980-10-24)

Promotional U2 Videos Released on This Day

  • Lemon Bad Yard Club Remix by Mark Neale (Released: 1993-10-24)

U2 Shows on This Day

  • 1978: Holyrood Hotel, Bray, Dublin, Ireland [U2]
  • 1981: Brielpoort, Deinze, Belgium [U2]
  • 1992: Sun Devil Stadium, Tempe, AZ, USA [U2]
  • 2001: Madison Square Garden, New York, NY, USA [U2]
  • 2005: Palace of Auburn Hills, Auburn Hills, MI, USA [U2]
  • 2013: Unknown, Dublin, Ireland [Bono and The Edge]

    Bono and The Edge sing “Happy Birthday” at the Harvard School of Public Health’s 100th anniversary celebrations. They appear via video, and it is not know if it is live or not.

  • 2014: Radio NRW, Oberhausen, Germany [U2]

    U2 participate in “U2 Unplugged and Talk” speaking to 200 contest winners and performing six songs.

  • 2014: RTE Television Studios, Dublin, Ireland [Bono and The Edge]

    Bono and The Edge appear on The Late, Late Show and perform two songs acoustically.

  • 2018: O2 Arena, London, England, United Kingdom [U2]

News Stories on This Day