Bono and The Edge Perform in a Kyiv Metro Station

2022-05-08 by U2 Show Archive (2022-05-08)

Bono and The Edge performed in Kyiv, Ukraine today.

Bono and The Edge do a performance in the Khreshchatyk (Хрещатик) Metro station in Kyiv, Ukraine, during the Russian invasion of Ukraine. The metro station is one that has been used as a bomb shelter during the recent attacks. They perform in front of a small audience in the station. They were invited there to perform by President Volodymyr Zelensky. As news of the show was starting to hit social media U2 posted to their social media, “President Zelenskyy invited us to perform in Kyiv as a show of solidarity with the Ukranian people and so that’s what we’ve come to do.” The Metro tunnel in front of the performance is packed with people.

Bono and The Edge are joined by singer Taras Topolia for “Pride (In the Name of Love)” and “Stand By Me”. Topolia is the lead singer for the Ukranian band Antytila, and the rest of the band join in for “Stand By Me”. The lyrics of “Stand By Me” are changed to “Stand By Ukraine”. Members of Antytila have recently worked with Ed Sheeran on a remix of his song “2step” to benefit the war effort. Members of the band have all joined the Ukraine army with the Russian invasion.

A number of U2 songs are performed by Bono and The Edge. The exact running order is not known, but the band played “Vertigo”, “Desire”, “One”, “Walk On” and “Sunday Bloody Sunday” early in the set. The final four songs performed appear to be “Pride (In the Name of Love)”, “Stand by Me”, “Angel of Harlem”, and ending with “With or Without You”.

“Walk On” is performed with some of the alternate lyrics that had been sung in a post shared via social media a few weeks earlier as part of the Stand Up For Ukraine campaign. Bono works with someone to translate the new lyrics to “Walk On” ahead of singing the song so the crowd understand what he is about to sing. During “Pride (In the Name of Love)” Bono altered the lyrics again, “This evening, 8th of May, shots will ring out in the Ukraine sky, but you’ll be free at last. They can take your lives, but they can never take your pride.”

Bono and the Edge appear to finish off with a performance of “With or Without You” before Bono walks away from the audience waving goodbye.

Between the songs Bono spoke with the aid of a local translator. Bono shared “The people in Ukraine are not just fighting for your own freedom, you are fighting for all of us who love freedom.” At the end of “Stand By Me” Bono asks Taras Topolia if he has any messages for anyone who may be listening, Joe Biden, or Chancellor Scholz, before turning the microphone over for Topolia to speak.

Below is a link to a full professionally edited version of the show with most of the songs. This has been edited and songs appear out of order, but they are complete songs. “Pride” is not part of this video.

Below are links to some videos posted from the event on social media today:

  • “Walk On” (Twitter)
  • “With or Without You” (YouTube)
  • “Stand By Me” (Twitter)
  • “Angel of Harlem” (Twitter)
  • “Angel of Harlem” / “Stand By Me” / “With or Without You” (YouTube)
  • “One” and Bono speaking (YouTube)
  • News report including bits of “Sunday Bloody Sunday” (YouTube)
  • Pro-Shot Clips from throughout Performance 1 (YouTube)
  • Pro-Shot Clips from throughout Performance 2 (YouTube)
  • Clips from Throughout Full Performance (YouTube)
  • Bono speaks with Sky News (Twitter)

You can join us on Twitter where we are sharing more clips that people have shared.

The performance appears to have been professionally filmed. Reuters reports that the entire performance was 40 minutes long, and that about 100 people were in attendance. Bono and The Edge also visited the site of a mass grave near the Church of St. Andrew Pervozvannoho All Saints in the Ukrainian town of Bucha, near Kyiv.

We are editing this entry as new information becomes available. (Thanks to Tracy, Valerie and Simon for their additions to this report.)

For the full show details, including set list, please check the following show listing:

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