General News: Rocking and Rolling
Billboard Magazine (1981-03-28)
“Boy.” the debut LP by U2. an Irish hand on Island Records, has jumped to 76 with a superstar after only three weeks in release. To make sure the climb continues. the band is devoting the next three months to an extended tour of the U.S.
But, says Adam Clayton, bass player for the group, U2 does not want to confine its playing to the new wave circuit. Booked by Premiere Talent, the act, whose ‘I Will Follow” single gives more than a passing nod to Johnny Lydon’s Public Image Ltd., considered opening a few dates for Van Halen.
How well this pairing would have done is open to question. but Clayton was willing to take the chance. Playing to a Mudd Club or a Ritz crowd. is “preaching-to the already converted.” he says. U2 is very young. all the members are about 20 years old, and it is neither new wave, new psychedelic, nor anything else. It is an “international rock band.” he asserts. *
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