Spoilers: New U2 Music Ahead for 2023?
Original Story by U2Songs.com (2023-09-11)
Please note, this story contains information about an unannounced recording. Until such time it is officially announced we report these as rumours, but we do endeavor to make sure there is some truth before publication, and wait until we have at least two independent sources. This article also may contain spoilers about upcoming performances. Please do not read any further if you are trying to avoid spoilers for the shows starting later this month.
U2 are currently working on a new single, which they hope to have out this Fall, to coincide with their shows at the Sphere in Las Vegas. The single will feature the full band, including Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen, a question we often hear since they were both more in the background on the recording of the band’s recent Songs of Surrender release.
We do not currently have a title or a track listing for the upcoming single. At this time Universal Records has not received a final master for the single, and the band continues to work on this item. Likewise a release date is not known, although we suspect if they are trying to tie into the performances at the Sphere, September 29 would be a good guess. (It’s a Friday and also the day new releases come out.)
Recording of the single reportedly began in studio this summer in France. There are reports that Steve Lillywhite worked with the band in studio there over the summer. However, we are told work continues on the single, and we are told that the band will be back in studio in Los Angeles this week with Lillywhite to finish off the track(s) for the singles. Lillywhite has also been attending rehearsals at the Sphere in Las Vegas as final preparations are underway for the shows there.
With just under three weeks to go until the first performances at the Sphere the band would be facing a tight window if they do want to get the song out before that time. But we have seen in the past that the band are capable of a quick turn around between recording and release. The version of “You’re the Best Thing” that was released was mixed and readied for release just days before the digital release. Regardless of the exact date of release, it looks like U2 are pushing to get new music out to us soon, and may even be debuting a new song in concert.
Submissions for the Black Friday Record Store Day had closed months ago, so it is unlikely that a physical version of any single would be tied into that event. This is likely a digital only release at this time, similar to the release of “Invisible”, with any physical release to be some time off.
There are also rumours that U2 will be filming some video material on Friday in Las Vegas, and it is not known if this may be a video to go with this new single, or if it is material for use for the shows at the Sphere. Bono, The Edge and Adam Clayton are preparing for shows at the new Sphere venue in Las Vegas, where they will play these 25 shows without Larry Mullen, as he recovers from injuries from a long career of drumming.
We will keep you informed of any information as it is announced. U2’s most recently released singles included four songs released to promote Songs of Surrender in the early part of 2023, and “Two Hearts Beat as One” for Record Store Day in April. Their last new song, “Your Song Saved My Life“ was released as a single in November 2021. You can view U2’s singles discography here.
Update (September 12, 2023):
Last night after our story was posted, Steve Lillywhite posted video from the recording studio he is working in over in Los Angeles. Those looking carefully were able to spot Adam Clayton’s purple bass in the video.
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