Vertigo Tour Merchandising and Pricing
Original Story by Aaron J. Sams (2005-03-28)
With thanks to Jason we are able to share with you a list of merchandise items that are being sold outside of the stadium in San Diego for the Vertigo Tour:
A number of Vertigo T-Shirts ranging from $35
- Vertigo Women’s shirt, Grey with black sleeves and collar, large 05 on the back ($35)
- Vertigo Women’s shirt, 3 symbols on green, heart, peace symbol and bomb ($35)
- Vertigo Men’s shirt, dark grey, with band picture in dark grey ($35)
- Vertigo Men’s shirt, black, three symbols (vertigo v, peace symbol and bomb), dates on back ($35)
- Vertigo Men’s shirt, green, with bomb design ($35)
- Vertigo Men’s shirt, black, red V with band photo, dates on back ($35)
- Vertigo Men’s shirt, white, band on beach, dates on back ($35)
- Vertigo Men’s shirt, white, large V on front, target on back ($35)
- Vertigo 05 Men’s shirt, black, band photo on front, dates on back ($35)
A number of retro T-Shirts ranging from $80 – $90:
- Long sleeve Retro Shirt: War Album Cover: $90
- Long sleeve Retro Shirt: The Unforgettable Fire Album Cover: $90
- Blue women’s T-shirt with Joshua Tree cover: $80
Other Items:
- Hooded sweatshirt, Black ($65)
- Vertigo Ball Cap, with Concentric Circles ($25)
- San Diego Concert Poster ($10)
- Vertigo Tour Book ($20)
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