St. Fintan's Hall, Sutton, Ireland
Set List of Show:
Additional Music
Snippets of Other Songs Performed by Adam Clayton:
Adam plays a single show with The Max Quad Band before leaving for a summer of work in London.
Show Details:
The Max Quad Band was formed in March 1977 and played the Dublin circult until February 1978. Joe Savino handled vocals, Max Quad aka Dave Sweeney was on lead guitar, Brian O’Rourke was on rhythm guitar, Alec Clince was on bass and Rod Quinn on drums.
Alex was taking his leaving certificate exam, and during that time was unable to continue with the band. Adam Clayton played with the newly formed back while Clince was unable. The time included May and early June 1977, at which point took a job at a fish market in London, forcing U2 to take a break, which Clince returned to the Max Quad band having finished his examinations.
During that time Adam played with the band but only performed with them at one gig, a show at St. Fintan’s Hall in Sutton according to Dave Sweeney. At that show Clince played bass, but Adam played with the band for their first song that night. It is not known what song Adam played with the band. It was the band’s first public gig.
There are some conflicting reports about Adam’s other band, Larry Mullen remembered in Hot Press “Getting together in high school, none of us had been in bands before except Adam in the Max Quad Band”. But Joe Savino, lead singer, also confirms the 1977 time frame, which suggests Adam took part with the Max Quad Band while he was working with what would become U2.
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