
Project Arts Centre, Dublin, Ireland

Set List of Show:

Known Songs (Incomplete):

  • "Mannequin"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:


U2 meet Paul McGuinness, and perform at Project Arts.

Show Details:

U2 are playing a show at the Project Arts Theatre in Temple Bar. They are supporting the Gamblers at the show, and both “U-2” and The School Kids are listed on advertisements for the show. The Virgin Prunes also play, but are not credited on advance posters. Admission is £1.00. The show opened at 8:30pm.

The show is attended by Karl Tsigdinos from Hot Press. His review of U2’s performance reads, “On the other hand, U2 have only one big problem, conquering the ‘fast is good’ fallacy that plagues them now. Already possessed of a fine rhythm section, a tangible identity, and a promising vocalist, U2 managed to negate the impact of their originals simply by playing too fast. What could well have been very clear songs sounded unintelligible and indistinguishable. A glimmer of U2’s direction may be gleaned from the inclusion of Wire’s ‘Mannequin’ in their set and if U2 can slow down long enough to be heard, they could step to the fore of the Dublin music scene.”

This is the night that U2 meet their manager Paul McGuinness for the first time. He attends the show after being contacted by the band, and on his sister’s recommendation. Afterwards he takes the band next door to the Granary bar (now Bad Bob’s) for a drink and to discuss working with the band. He agrees to manage the young group going forward but not right away.

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