
Dandelion Car Park, Dublin, Ireland

Set List of Show:

Known Set List: (Incomplete)

  • "Out of Control"
  • "In Your Hand"
  • "Concentration Cramp"
  • "Shadows and Tall Trees"
  • "Life On A Distant Planet"
  • "The Fool"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

Show Details:

U2 play their first show at the new Dandelion Market performance space. Before going on stage, Bono works the door taking money for the show. Admission to the gigs at the Market was 50 pence. The venue would hold about 200 people, but most shows only brought in about 100 people. Attendance at this particular show is unknown.

Shows only happened on Saturday and Sunday when the Market was operating in the car park. The performance venue was the power room of the area used by the market. The stage was built out of make shift beer crates and plywood. The venue was a gig where all ages could attend, making it the ideal place for U2 to continue their efforts to build up a fan base among younger crowds in Dublin.

They got the gig a few days after the first performance at the Market happened (April 21, 1979.) Larry and The Edge dropped in to see John Fisher, one of the guys behind the Market performance space, and asked if they could see the space. They left with a deal to perform not the next Saturday but the one that followed, the fourth weekend that performances were held at the venue.

The gigs at the Dandelion have taken on mythical proportions over the years with many having claimed to have been at the shows. For a more detailed look at the venue see our interview with John Fisher.

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