Moyne Institute, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland
Set List of Show:
Additional Music
Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:
Show Details:
U2 played this show at Trinity College as part of Trinity Week ’79. This week is an annual tradition that marks the end of lectures for the year, and is marked with a series of balls, concerts, sporting events and hi jinks. The 1979 event saw the school faced with cancellation of some events due to a vote by security not to work, and a “For Sale” sign placed out in a prominent location while dignitaries were visiting the school.
The U2 show was a lunchtime show outside on the steps of the Moyne Institute. About 200 people are in attendance, and it was rainy during the show. U2 play under a protected area behind the columns of the Moyne Institute. Many umbrellas can be seen held aloft at the show. During the show the band have a Virgin Prunes poster on stage on either side of them, and at least two people costumed as mimes in striped shirts and face paint come out and wander through the crowd. Both are wearing a U2 / Virgin Prunes 1979 poster on the front over their costume, and a Virgin Prunes poster on the backside. The male is complete with top hat, and the female wearing a beret.
The set list for this show is not known.
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