
Dandelion Car Park, Dublin, Ireland

Set List of Show:

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

Show Details:

U2 play the Dandelion Market starting at 3pm with admission set at £0.50. This show in particular is supported by The Strougers.

It appears that The Edge is sick and misses this show, possibly for an appointment with a doctor. Bono attempts guitar and the band plays a few numbers as a three piece, but eventually Bono turns to the audience and pulls out a local by the name of Joe Savino and they play a few songs, all covers. Denis Rusk from the opening act The Strougers also provides assistance on guitar.

Joe Savino was a member of The Max Quad Band, of which Adam was also a member for a time in the 1970s. Adam did four shows with The Max Quad Band in 1977, which remain undocumented. Savino shares, “Adam is the only member of U2 to have played in another band. He did four gigs with us in 1977 before our original bass player came back. Adam didn’t seem to mind, as he told us he’d been invited to join another group: U2.”

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