
Dandelion Car Park, Dublin, Ireland

Set List of Show:

Main Set:

  • "Out of Control"
  • "Speed of Life"
  • "In Your Hand"
  • "The Fool"
  • "Concentration Cramp"
  • "Another Time, Another Place"
  • "Stories for Boys"
  • "Shadows and Tall Trees"
  • "Cartoon World"
  • "Alone in the Light"
  • "Life On A Distant Planet"
  • "Street Missions"
  • "Boy / Girl"

  • "Out of Control"
  • "Glad to See You Go"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

    "Twilight" (U2) / "Black Dog" (Led Zeppelin) /

Show Details:

U2 play their third show at the Dandelion Market. The performance space is in a power room of a car park, which is being used on weekends as a market.

The performance venue is put together from cheap materials to build a stage, and is open to all ages, making it an ideal location for U2 to continue efforts to build up a following among younger crowds in Dublin. This show like others, starts at 3pm with admission set at £0.50. The gigs at the Dandelion have taken on mythical proportions over the years with many having claimed to have been at the shows. For a more detailed look at the venue see our interview with John Fisher.

This show is opened by The Strougers. One of the members of that band taped the full performance and in 2018 started offering the recording around for sale. It is thanks to this recording that the full set list of this show is known. A copy of the recording was made available to the band at that time according to media reports.

This show in particular is supported by The Strougers. There are some reports that The Edge is sick and misses this show, possibly for an appointment with a doctor. It is more likely that the show The Edge missed was the July 28, 1979 show at the Dandelion. Set list is via Pete McClusky of The Strougers who taped the show that day, and confirmed via an opportunity to listen to the recording in November 2022.

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