
Dandelion Car Park, Dublin, Ireland

Set List of Show:

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

Show Details:

This show at the Dandelion Market is opened by The Scheme.

The Dandelion Market performance space is in a power room of a car park, which is being used on weekends as a market. The performance venue is put together from cheap materials to build a stage, and is open to all ages, making it an ideal location for U2 to continue efforts to build up a following among younger crowds in Dublin. This show like others, starts at 3pm with admission set at £0.50. The gigs at the Dandelion have taken on mythical proportions over the years with many having claimed to have been at the shows. For a more detailed look at the venue see our interview with John Fisher.

This particular show is the second in a run of shows at the Market each weekend for three weeks. It’s a special day for U2. The single “Three” has just come back from production, and U2 are seeing the single in person for the first time during the soundcheck at the Market. The single will be released in a couple of weeks, but U2 get their copies early. A photo shoot of the band with the single is done at the soundcheck at the Market.

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