
General Wolfe, Coventry, England

Set List of Show:

Known Main Set:

  • "11 O'Clock Tick Tock"
  • "Out of Control"
  • "I Will Follow"
  • "Stories for Boys"
Known Encore:

  • "11 O'Clock Tick Tock"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

Show Details:

This show was reviewed in the fanzine One Off, “They came on about 10.45 – a 4 piece comprising: blonde bassist in specs (good looking): lead guitarist in paint stained jeans: drummer with earring: vocalist in leather with mass of hair. They play a very powerful set with few bad numbers. When they play fast and loud they’re excellent – hard hitting drums, powerful multi style guitar breaks, solid bass and eccentric vocalist obviously enjoying himself. But the slower numbers dragged on a bit. Much of the vocals were inaudible but the lead singer’s antics and enjoyment did a lot towards nullifying that complaint. They were on for an hour and did two encores. The national music press says they’ll be the next big thing and for once they could be right.”

The General Wolfe pub was located at the corner of Foleshill Road and Station Street West. The venue closed its doors in 2011. In 1980 the bar was managed by Ken Brown.

U2’s full set list for this evening is unknown. The band did perform “11 O’Clock Tick Tock” twice, “Out of Control,” “I Will Follow” and “Stories for Boys” during the concert. The concert was small, with some estimates being as low as 60 people and others as high as 100.

To our knowledge, this is the only night at which U2 played this venue. This show is generally accepted as the kick off of the Boy tour.

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