
Claridge, Brussels, Belgium

Set List of Show:

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

Show Details:

U2 play at the venue Zaal Klacik in Brussels. This is part of their first shows outside of the UK and Ireland, where they played a number of shows in The Netherlands and one show in Belgium. Admission for the show is 220BF. The venue is a sports hall, which is converted into a night club on weekends. They are brought there by promoter Christian Verwilghen, who says “There must have been 70 people.”

Radio 2 reports, “At midnight, Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Larry Mullen Jr. stood on a stage eight meters long and three meters deep. The audience consisted of around 50 music lovers, each paying 220 Belgian francs. Drinks were included in the price. The first performance on Belgian soil was not really a success. Given the low turnout, the owners of Le Klacik wanted the band outside as quickly as possible so that the party could begin. The concert lasted little longer than half an hour.” It is thought that the show drew only a small audience because U2 had only confirmed the show a few weeks before and there was little time for proper promotion. Also, U2’s album Boy had not yet been released.

Before the show U2 do a photoshoot with Virginia Turbett, and an interview for Record Mirror as well. In that interview it is revealed that “Bono’s sniffles have taken a more sinister tone,” after his struggle to finish the show in Apeldoorn the night before.

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