
Riviera Club, Baymount Hotel, Strandhill, Sligo, Ireland

Set List of Show:

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

Show Details:

U2 play at 11pm, but doors open at 9:45. After U2 there is a disco until 2am. Admission includes supper and is £3.00.

This show took place at the Strandhill hotel, the Baymount. Although it has been reported that U2 played the Silver Slipper Ballroom, they didn’t and instead played the smaller bar in the hotel. The band plays to a very small crowd, estimated at about 30 people in total, and the band played most of the songs off of Boy according to eye-witness reports, although exact tracks are not known. It is said that many at the bar were there as it was the only open establishment, and a smaller number still were there to see U2 themselves.

Stories suggest it was a rowdy night at the bar, and that Bono did his best to get the crowd interested in the act, including jumping on tables, and discarding his pants when he split them during the performance.

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