
Metro, Boston, MA, USA

Set List of Show:

Main Set:

  • "The Ocean"
  • "11 O'Clock Tick Tock"
  • "Touch"
  • "I Will Follow"
  • "I Fall Down"
  • "An Cat Dubh"
  • "Into the Heart"
  • "Fire"
  • "Another Time, Another Place"
  • "The Electric Co."
  • "Things to Make and Do"
  • "Stories for Boys"
  • "Boy / Girl"
  • "Out of Control"

  • "Twilight"
  • "I Will Follow"
  • "A Day Without Me"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

    "Frère Jacques" (Jean-Philippe Rameau) / "Cry" (U2) / "I'm A Believer" (The Monkees) /

Show Details:

U2 returns to Boston for another show on the Boy tour. With the show in December and the two shows in March, the city has been extensively played, and U2 are rapidly gaining support in the area thanks to stations playing their music such as WBCN-FM. Tonight the band are at the Metro. The building housing the Metro also houses a second venue, Spit, where U2 heads after their show at the Metro. Anthony Cianciaruso, doorman of the club said “There was a U2 after party at Spit. They were so young they had pimples on their face, but the girls were still all over Bono.”

The show starts with bagpipes being played, which goes into U2’s performance of “The Ocean” without any introduction other than a “good evening” by Bono. “11 O’Clock Tick Tock” includes Bono’s references to “Frere Jacques.” After not appearing the night before, “Touch” makes its way back into the set tonight. The band play two songs from October at this show, “I Fall Down” which Bono says “and in the back of the bus, this was found it’s called ‘When I Fall Down’” and also “Fire” which the band played for the first time the night before. Bono mentions it is only the second time they played the song, and unlike last night where it was played at the end, tonight it follows “Into the Heart” as part of the main set. Bono also calls Boston “A home away from home” in his introduction to “Fire.” Both “Cry” and “Boston Tea Party” are included in “The Electric Co.” and “I’m A Believer” is included in “Boy / Girl”.

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