
Rock City, Nottingham, England

Set List of Show:

Main Set:

  • "Gloria"
  • "Another Time, Another Place"
  • "The Electric Co."
  • "An Cat Dubh"
  • "Into the Heart"
  • "Rejoice"
  • "I Threw a Brick Through a Window"
  • "I Will Follow"
  • "I Fall Down"
  • "October"
  • "Twilight"
  • "Out of Control"

  • "Fire"
  • "11 O'Clock Tick Tock"
  • "The Ocean"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by U2:

    "Cry" (U2) / "Send in the Clowns" (Stephen Sondheim from A Little Night Music) / "Can't Find My Way Home" (Blind Faith) /

Show Details:

U2 perform at Rock City in Nottingham as part of the Gloria tour, the first leg of the tour they would use to promote October. Admission for the show is £3.00 and the opening act is Wall of Voodoo and Comsat Angels. Like the previous night, only Wall of Voodoo had been announced in earlier press announcements of the entire tour. Later, a newspaper ad would list only Comsat Angels as an opener instead, but as the date neared, both acts were listed. Although the venue has a capacity of 2000, this is spread between three performance areas inside the venue.

The show opens with a new song, not yet released, “Gloria” and the band plays the set list that they had debuted the night before in Norwich. “Cry” and “Send in the Clowns” are included as part of “The Electric Co.” “Can’t Find My Way Home” is included quickly in “An Cat Dubh,” and Bono will include a longer snippet of it the following night in Salford. The band play to an energetic crowd, and take over the first part of “I Will Follow.”

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