
The Summit Bar, Howth, Ireland

Set List of Show:

Larry Performs:

  • "One"
  • "New Year's Day"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by Larry Mullen:


Larry Mullen takes the stage with a local covers band, playing two U2 songs.

Show Details:

A local pub in Howth, which Larry would frequent, was holding a going away party for Stephen Galligan, manager of the Summit Bar. The Summit Bar is located at the summit of Howth Hill, part of the Summit Inn. Providing entertainment for the evening was Diablo, a local band, known for covers of rock songs, including songs by U2 and Thin Lizzy, based on the Northside of Dublin. Larry Mullen pops into the bar during the evening, and is announced from the stage. He plays two songs with Diablo, both U2 covers. They perform “One” first, followed by “New Year’s Day”.

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