
Grafton Street, Dublin, Ireland

Set List of Show:

U2 Related Performances:

  • "Stand By Me"
  • "One"
  • "Knockin' on Heaven's Door"

Additional Music

Snippets of Other Songs Performed by Bono:


Bono attends his first busking session on Grafton Street, organized by musician Glen Hansard, with money raised going to Simon Community.

Show Details:

Bono appears with other musicians on Grafton Street in Dublin to busk in support of Ireland’s Simon Community, which works with the homeless in Ireland.

Bono appears this year for the first time, and he’s joined by Glen Hansard (organizer of the annual event) as well as Damien Rice and Mundy. Bono is heard singing on “One”, “Knocking on Heaven’s Door” and “Stand By Me”.

Hansard, lead singer of the Frames, was a busker on Grafton himself when he was getting started. His experiences are revisited in the film Once. Hansard has worked tirelessly to help the Simon Community, volunteering his voice, as well as his time.

Hansard is busking in the middle of the crowd, when Bono makes his way through the crowd, joining the musicians for “Stand By Me”. He makes up a few of his own lyrics to “Stand By Me” as he sings. Bono then leads the gathered musicians in U2’s “One”.

The other musicans present included Mundy, Paddy Casey, Liam O’Maonlai and Damien Rice. They perform for just shy of two hours, although Bono only joins them for about 15 minutes in total. They raise over 2000 Euros for the Simon Community. The performance takes place not far from the Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre, where U2 used to play the Dandelion Market in the 1970s.

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