Song Lyrics:
[Gavin’s Reverb = Normal, Bono = Bold,
Odd Computer = Italic]
(In the name of whiskey)
(In the name of song)
(You didn’t look back)
(You didn’t belong) / Didn’t belong
(In the name of reason)
(In the name of hope)
(In the name of religion) / Religion
(In the name of dope) / Name of dope
In the name of freedom
(You drifted away)
(To see the sun shining)
(On someone else’s day) / Else’s day
(In the name of United)
(And the BBC) / And the BBC
(In the name of Georgie Best)
(And LSD / And LSD
(In the name of the father)
(And his wife the spirit)
(You said you did not)
(They said you did it) / They said you did it
(In the name of justice)
(In the name of fun)
(In the name of the father) / In the name of the father
(In the name of the son)
So I’ll…
I’ll follow you down
I’ll follow you down