Song Lyrics:
Monday morning
Eighteen years of dawning
I say how long
I say how long
It was one dull morning
Woke the world with bawling
I was so sad
They were so glad
But I was of the feeling it was out of control
I had a crazy notion it was out of control
I go ooo-way-ho, ooo-way-oh
Boys and girls
They go to school and girls
They make children
Not like this one
But I was of the feeling it was out of control
I had a crazy notion it was out of control
I go ooo-way-ho, ooo-way-ho
For you and I was of the feeling it was out of control
I had a crazy notion it was out of control
I go ooo-way-ho, ooo-way-oh
I’m out of control
I’m out of control
I fought fate
And blood at the garden gate
The man said childhood
It’s in his childhood
Some day I’ll die
The choice will not be mine
Will it be too late / Too late
And you can’t fight fate
But I was of the feeling it was out of control
I had a crazy notion it was out of control
I go ooo-way-oh, ooo-ho-ho