"Discothèque" [05:19]
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Video Information
The video for Discothèque opens with an animation of the galaxy and the camera is moving towards a bright star. As we get closer we see that it is a disco ball, and then we are transported inside the disco ball to see U2. The interior is full of pulsating lights and mirrors, and the band playing the song. And apparently there’s a trunk full of costumes somewhere, as U2 change into 1970s appropriate disco outfits – Bono in a black shirt, white vest and white pants – and later Bono in a policeman’s outfit, . Dancers straddle the Edge and are pouring liquids on him from above. There’s a dance party in the crystal ball. Bono does a lot of pelvic thrusting in the general direction of a camera. And then the whole band goes Village People with The Edge as a leather clad biker dude complete with harness and chaps, Adam Clayton joined the navy in a white uniform, Bono is now a biker cop trading the police hat for a helmet, and Larry is a cowboy. At the end we zoom back out on to the disco ball and the light goes off in the universe.
On January 7, 1997, MTV showed a brief 30 second preview of Discothèque. They announced that the full video would be shown later that week, starting on January 9th. This was the world premiere for the video for the song. The video was aired during an all day retrospective of U2 videos on MTV.
Two other dance versions of the song, the David Morales Remix, and the Steve Osbourne Remix are given the video treatment using some of the footage from this primary video, but also using additional footage from other sources.
The whole video was filmed on set at Pinewood Studios in London. The studios have been the base for a number of movies and television productions over the years including James Bond, Superman, and the most recent Star Wars movie.
Video Shooting Locations
Additional Screen Captures
Video Credits
Directed by Stephan Sednauoi
Producer: Ellen Jacobson
Production Company: Propaganda Films Ltd.
D.O.P.: Steven Keith Roach
Editor: Veronique Lebars / Richard Orrick
Date: 1996