"The Ground Beneath Her Feet" [03:45]

Links to Video

Videos are not hosted on u2songs.com, if you find a broken link, or a video unavailable in your region, please report it to us. (Due to U2's current YouTube refresh not all videos are available at this time, and we will be waiting on replacement of some of these videos.)

Video Information

Filmed for the Million Dollar Hotel soundtrack, the video opens with a scene from the film and then the camera focuses on the building “across the street” – actually across the ocean – where a candle lit window has Bono singing in shadow while Salman Rushdie writes near the window. The video features clips from the movie as well as Salman Rushdie (who wrote the song’s lyric), and U2 playing in a dark candle-lit room.

The video for the song was filmed in January 2000. It was not released until much later, and first appeared on the website for the film, http://www.milliondollarhotel.com/ in late April of 2000.

There is mixed information about where this video was shot with some claiming it was a building in Dublin, and others identifying London. The video was actually shot in the Sandyford mountains near Dublin.

As part of a refresh of the U2 YouTube channel, a 1080p version of the video was uploaded to YouTube on October 15, 2020.

Additional Screen Captures

Video Credits

  • Directed by Wim Wenders
  • Starring Salman Rushdie
  • Producer: Ned O’Hanlon
  • Production Company: Dreamchaser Productions
  • D.O.P.: Phedon Papamichael
  • Editor: Dirk Vaihinger